80% of Marimekko’s direct suppliers use renewable energy sources

Our study in 2019 showed that 82 percent of our direct suppliers use renewable energy sources. About one in every seven (16%) of our direct suppliers use only renewable energy sources in their operations.

A significant part of the lifetime emissions of our products are created in our supply chain during the manufacturing of the products and the materials used to make them. Therefore, we have started to map the emissions in our supply chain in more detail, starting with our direct suppliers.

82% of Marimekko's direct suppliers use renewable energy sources

80% of Marimekko’s direct suppliers use only or partially renewable energy sources. Most of our suppliers (66%) use both energy from fossil and renewable sources at the same time. Less than one fifth (18%) of our suppliers use only fossil fuels as their energy source. About one quarter (23%) of those suppliers, who are wholly or partially using fossil fuels, plan to increase the use of renewable energies in the future. 

We select our suppliers carefully, taking into account social and environmental responsibility. Information about our suppliers’ sustainability efforts is gathered as part of the selection process, as well as in constant dialogue with the suppliers, for example as part of factory visits and supplier evaluation. Almost all of Marimekko’s suppliers in Europe (95%) and outside Europe (97%) have set their own targets to reduce energy use and emissions, and/or have implemented other measures to mitigate climate change. 

The work on our end continues – we will monitor the implementation of these targets and actions as part of our cooperation with suppliers. 

Marimekko’s product range is manufactured by a global partner supplier network of around 75 partner suppliers and 100 factories. Almost 70% of our products are manufactured in Europe.