Annika Rimala

Annika Rimala (1936–2014) worked as a designer at Marimekko from 1960 to 1982. She designed the house's first jersey collection, Tasaraita, which became a symbol of equality.

Annika Rimala was a self-proclaimed "everyday devotee," and she adored simple, easy-to-maintain functional clothes, like jeans. She wanted to design an equally versatile top that anyone could wear regardless of age, size, and gender.

The iconic stripe, Tasaraita (1968), formed from evenly spaced tape, was a timeless print, but it was also an essential collection of clothing spanning underwear, nightgowns, and long-sleeved t-shirts.

Her background as a graphic designer was also visible in other prints. The rhythm of her patterns worked in different sizes, and sometimes Rimala used this as a visual effect within the same garment. In the Ryppypeppu overalls (1966), for example, the Suomu pattern (1965) was scaled down on the back.

Prints by Annika Rimala

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